Giant constrictor snake 5e
Giant constrictor snake 5e

giant constrictor snake 5e

Even the huge constrictors in our world would likely leave us with our feet on the ground and our knees up to our chests. we have horses and thankfully we don't find snakes big enough to ride. Obviously in real life we've never tried it because. I don't know how realistically this might work.

giant constrictor snake 5e

Then as the slithering motion alters, the other belt slides forward, roughly keeping the saddle in the same position. As the creature slithers/moves, where most people would think the saddle would just slide off, one belt holds while the other 'ratchets' forward. It would likely be an exotic saddle (which could then hold saddlebags.) I would picture it like a horse saddle, but instead of one strap around the creature, it has two ratcheting or climbing belt like straps, like a tree stand or what lumberjacks would use to climb a tree. For the purposes of saddles or saddlebags in general, I would say 'Yes.' For the magic item slot discussion, and being PFS, that's probably a hard 'No'.

Giant constrictor snake 5e